Kazakhstan International Energy, Electrical equipment and Machine building Exhibition

Exhibition postponed to 2026

Astana, Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan International Energy, Electrical equipment and Machine building Exhibition

Exhibition postponed to 2026

Astana, Kazakhstan

Powerexpo Almaty 2018: proposals for energy saving in all areas

On October 23, 2018, opening of the 17th Kazakhstan International Exhibition “Energy, Electrical Equipment and Machine Building” - Powerexpo Almaty 2018 took place in Almaty.

Over 110 companies from 13 countries presented their equipment and services at the exhibition: Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, the Czech Republic. German, Chinese and Czech national stands will present more than 30 enterprises.

Every year, Powerexpo Almaty demonstrates a steady growth in the number of exhibitors and increase of foreign companies' interest.

German companies are also interested in energy-saving market of Kazakhstan. German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy supported German companies offering innovative energy-saving technologies, products and services at the exhibition. According to Marius Juschka, Managing Director of Balland Messe — Service (Germany): “Germany is considered as one of the leaders in use of renewable energy sources and it is important for us to attend such exhibitions. We not only present our companies, but also promote the very idea of alternative energy sources development, demonstrate how the whole energy system may look like in the future”.

Significant part of exhibition area was occupied by Russian enterprises. This year 34 Russian manufacturers take part in the exhibition. Among participants there are such companies as: RosEnergoServise, Swey, Cyber Power Systems, Khomov Electro and others. As Alexander Yakovlev, trade representative of the Russian Federation in Kazakhstan noted in a letter of greeting to the participants and visitors of the exhibition: “Holding of specialized industrial exhibitions is an indicator of high level of innovative development of both the country and its technologies. This event will become a popular platform for expansion of contacts between business circles of Russia and Kazakhstan, will help to strengthen mutually beneficial economic and scientific-technical ties between our countries, as well as create and introduce new joint ventures and accelerate our countries' economic growth”.

Large manufacturer of electric motors for coal and oil industry, manufacturer of wind generators from Ukraine, NVP NKEMZ is participating in such exhibitions not for the first time. Vitaliy Karatnik, Deputy Head of Sales Department, shared his experience at the exhibition: “At the exhibition we see not only interest from visitors, but also from participants. For example, after negotiations with manufacturers of the Czech Republic, we see their interest in our engines”.

Within three days of the exhibition, the following products and services will be presented to specialists: cable and wiring products, electrical, lighting, condenser equipment, instrumentation, installation tools, modern technologies in hydropower engineering and construction of modern energy complexes, as well as a range of services for energy industry.

Rich business program of the exhibition will include thematic round tables, business meetings and seminars. On October 23, seminars of the following companies Silumin-Vostok, AKETO, Alageum Electric and Modern innovative technologies took place.

October 24, Elektropribor company, NPO MIR and RSP COMPANY and Sayman Corporation will continue business program.

October 23 and 24, Project of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and UNDP / GEF will hold a round table on the theme “Energy saving and energy efficiency of electrical devices and equipment” and “Current situation and future prospects in the field of testing and certification of household appliances and equipment, as well as independent testing laboratories”.

On the third day of the exhibition Kazakhstan Association of Energy Auditors will traditionally hold the next training seminar concerning energy audit. Seminar program includes discussion of questions connected with methodology of energy audits, typical mistakes in preparation of conclusions and recommendations for improvement of conclusions quality. Changes and additions to ISO 50001-2018 energy management system will also be discussed.

It should be noted that exhibition company Iteca in cooperation with international group of companies ITE (United Kingdom) holds the exhibition annually for 17 years.

The exhibition will last till October 25.